This project is supported by L'OCCITANE Manufactures.


Every year in France, 223,000 women suffer from domestic violence, and only 14% of them press charges. In 2022, 118 women died at the hands of their partner or ex-partner. Every year, around 84,000 women are victims of rape, and in 2023 almost 200,000 women were victims of gender-based and sexual violence. Generally speaking, one woman in 3 will experience violence, particularly sexual violence, in her lifetime.


Supported Project

In 2024-2025, L'OCCITANE Manufactures supported the project of the Maison Simone Veil, a welcome centre for victims of domestic and gender-based violence. This centre aims at enabling the women's psychological reconstruction and empowerment through a wellness program. A "well-being room" has thus been dedicated to individual treatment sessions such as hairdressing, beautycare, hypnosis or art therapy. By liberating women's voices, these methods enable them to heal their physical or psychological traumas and recover their self-esteem. 

Some Figures

Budget 10,000 euros

Goal 200 women supported

Photo credits: ©CIDFF Facebook