Affiliated Project - This project is supported by the Spanish subsidiary of L'OCCITANE en Provence.


Mali is among the most disadvantaged countries in the world. The 2022 Human Development Index (HDI) report ranked it 184th out of 189 countries. Regarding eye health, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), to which the Eyes of the World Foundation belongs, reports that in 2020, approximately 2.2 million people in Mali suffered from vision loss, of whom 170,000 were blind, with women comprising 52% of the affected population. The country is also facing an ongoing internal conflict that has resulted in a large number of displaced persons. However, in the project area, there is a commitment from the authorities and support from civil society.



Supported Project

In 2023-2024, L'OCCITANE Spain is supporting the Eyes of the World Foundation's project, which aims to enhance the availability and quality of healthcare services for major eye diseases across 7 districts in the Mopti region. It focuses on improving access to eye care for vulnerable groups, including women, displaced individuals, and children. This is achieved by providing an operating microscope for the regional hospital, fulfilling a long-standing request from local authorities. Sustainability is ensured through staff training in equipment maintenance.

Some Figures

Budget 7,500 euros

Result 3,000 beneficiaries

Photos credits: ©Ojos del Mundo