This project is supported by L'OCCITANE Mexico. 


At a global level, the accelerated growth of human settlements and the irrational exploitation of the environment have caused access to public green areas to be considered a luxury, even in rural areas. In this scenario, children lose the biocultural connection with their natural environment, and therefore, they become a population of very high socio-environmental vulnerability.


Supported Project

In 2024-2025, L'OCCITANE Mexico funded the third phase of a Red de Viveros' project aiming to recover the local biodiversity of magnolias in the State of Veracruz. It seeks to fight against the nature deficit disorder and encourage the connection of children with their natural environment. Magnolias and other species of trees are planted to improve and increase the quality of green infrastructures in schools and surroundings where children have a low access to nature. An ecological diagnosis of the selected sites is made to determine the amount and types of plant suitable for each place, and trees are then planted under the supervision of the REVIVE operational staff. In addition in each selected school a practical reforestation workshop is held for students and teachers, with the preparation of a school reforestation manual to describe the activities necessary to carry out effective reforestation in school spaces.  

Some Figures

Budget 4,735 euros

Goal 4 ha of land regenerated

History of the Partnership

L'OCCITANE Mexico has already partnered with Red de Viveros de Biodiversidad in the past. Discover more about this collaboration here

Photo credits: ©Red de Viveros de Biodiversidad website