Affiliated Project - This project is supported by L'OCCITANE Brazil.


The Atlantic Forest, a South American forest known for its exceptionally high biodiversity and numerous endemic species, has undergone substantial deforestation, with over 88% of its original area destroyed. Deforestation persists, transforming the forest into pasture, cropland, and urban areas, also contributing to climate change and leading to desertification. Fragmentation and selective predation of valued species, both plant and animal, result in species impoverishment. Concurrently, unsustainable practices have resulted in land degradation and subsequent rural exodus.


Supported Project

In 2023-2024, L'OCCITANE Brazil is continuing its support for Instituto Terra's reforestation project, focusing on preserving five endangered tree species in the Dry Atlantic Forest. This project is located in the reforested Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (RPPN) of Instituto Terra, in the municipality of Aimorés, Brazil. This area belongs to the Doce River Basin.

The aim of this initiative is to improve the survival and growth of native seedlings, and reduce implantation costs by exploring methods that use fewer fertilizers.

The project involves planting two thousand trees and regenerating one hectare of land. It directly benefits two researchers and indirectly supports producers involved in reforesting the Dry Forest. Furthermore, two grants will be awarded to students from local universities and similar institutes in alignment with these two initiatives.

Somes Figures

Budget 20,312 euros

Result 1.400 planted trees

Result 0,6 hectare regenerated