
The village of Castellar de Santiago, in Ciudad Real, is characterized by a very rich biodiversity. Located near four areas classified as Natura 2000, this area alone concentrates 85% of the diversity of amphibians in Spain. Today, the fauna and flora of this area are greatly weakened by the practices related to agriculture, the main activity of this rural area. The use of pesticides and the fracturing of agrosystems, coupled with climate change, threaten amphibians and auxiliary fauna and reduce agricultural yields.


Supported Project

In this context, the EcoHerencia cooperative, supported by L'OCCITANE Spain, has the project to implement perimeter hedges around two olive groves to create ecological corridors. These will promote the recovery of local biodiversity, firstly by planting native species in the hedges, but also by making these hedges a refuge and a source of food for the associated fauna.

Some Figures

Budget 7500 euros

Results 1,750m² Regenerated surface

Results 320 planted trees