Affiliated Project - This project is supported by the Chinese subsidiary of L'OCCITANE en Provence. 


The combined effects of the climate change and land exploitation (such as overgrazing and over-farming) have degraded the land in many places across the world. In the North of China, the now desertified area is expanding at an astonishing rate. Sandstorms strike these regions of China and its surrounding areas each spring, destroying local homes and forcing many people to flee their native land. 


Supported Project

In 2022-2023, L'OCCITANE China supports the Million Tree project of Shanghaï Roots and Shoots. This Project, which began in 2007, gives individuals and organizations an opportunity to fight climate change by planting oxygen-producing trees.

The project will take place in Baijitan Reserve, Lingwu, Ningxia, at the southwest margin of Maowusu desert, in the North of China. It will reforest the area in order to revitalize the land and block the sandstorms. The planting of shrubs would contribute to stop Maowusu Sandy Land from expanding, improve the ecosystem and lessen the economic impact of desertification to Yellow River corridor region. It also encompasses true community building as the local population is intimately involved with, and benefits from, every step of planting, maintaining, and monitoring the trees.

Some Figures

Budget 132,500 euros

Result 100,000 planted trees

Result 33,3 hectares regenerated