
In Hong Kong, eye screening is not available to disadvantaged populations. It is in the early years of life that many abnormalities can occur, which is why screening is all the more important in the early years. However, not all children have access to early detection of eye disease. Failure to detect these pathologies can therefore hinder their success at school. 


Supported project 

In 2018-2019, L'OCCITANE Hong Kong and the L'OCCITANE Foundation supported the Hong Kong Society for the Blind. The project provided vision screening service for 5,133 kids with detailed eye examination and eye glasses. A vision screening bus with logo and slogan of the L’OCCITANE Foundation was used in the promotion and exhibition programmes. The screening results were analysed and publicized through local media and the IAPB* with case stories. A World Sight Day promotional month was organized with trained L’OCCITANE staff volunteers to provide vision screening service.

* International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

Some figures 

Budget 37,666 euros

Results 5,133 beneficiaries