
According to IAPB, the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a potentially preventable cause of irreversible, and usually total, blindness in children born prematurely. It is a leading cause of blindness in children in middle-income countries and in South East Asia, and has lifelong implications for the children and their family. Premature births and excess oxygen are among the factors that increase the risk of retinopathy. In addition, improving neonatal care and early detection and treatment of infants who develop treatable stages of the disease would reduce blindness from PDR.


Supported Project 

L'OCCITANE France and the L'OCCITANE Foundation support the Lions Club International as part of its blindness prevention program and particularly to fight against blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity. This project is implemented in 6 maternities in France in Paris and its suburbs: Necker, Trousseau, Cochin, Versailles, Lagny, Meaux.

It consists of :

  • Increase the screening offer through the acquisition of a Panocam, an ultraportable device recommended for detecting this pathology, which can also be used in neurosurgery.
  • Provide appropriate care for children who develop treatable PDR. This part of the project will be carried out in particular thanks to the training of orthoptists.


Some Figures 


Budget 50,000 euros

Results 2,800 beneficiaries