
The Ophthalmology Unit at Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez is staffed by 6 ophthalmologists who attend a 5 year training course, as well as residents from other hospitals, who come to this institution in order to learn about childhood eye conditions and diseases.

Children from all over the country are treated here, not just from Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and its surroundings. An average of 100 patients a day is assisted and an average of 300 eye surgeries a year is performed at Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutiérrez.

One of the conditions most currently treated at this Hospital is the Glaucoma. It is a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight if not properly treated. Current diagnostic methods carried out at the Hospital demand general anesthetics in order to measure the child intra ocular pressure.


Supported project

In 2018, L'OCCITANE Argentina and the L'OCCITANE Foundation supported the "See to look at the future" project of the Asociación Cooperadora del Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez. The campaign was an intensive fundraising effort designed to raise a specified sum of money within a defined time period in order to meet the varied needs of the Ophtalmology's Service, whom focus their activity in the eye care. 

The overall aim is to ensure that every child enjoy a happy and healthy childhood thanks to a good-quality eye health care. 

Some figures

Budget in 2018 10.000 euros

Results in 2018 30.000 beneficiaries

Partnership history

Project supported since 2017


L'OCCITANE Argentina and the L'OCCITANE Foundation have supported the Asociación Cooperadora del Hospital de Niños Dr. Ricardo Gutiérrez since 2017.

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